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How to Engage Stakeholders in Impact Measurement and Management

Stakeholder Engagement through Lean Data Building a social purpose business takes time and money. So while it seems like a good thing to seek feedback from customers or beneficiaries, it can also seem like a luxury that is out of reach for most entrepreneurs. That needs to change. Engaging stakeholders, even very low-income, remote customers, doesn’t need to be expensive and time consuming. With a “Lean Data” approach to gathering impact metrics and customer profile data, social enterprises and the entities that support them can gain direct insights on what employees and customers say matters most, generating actionable data to…
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Courtney Bolinson is an experienced evaluator, facilitator, and systems thinker. She has worked with the private sector, non-profits, universities, and governments to address complex challenges through equitable and systemic evaluation approaches. She holds two master’s degrees, in Agricultural and Applied Economics and Agroecology, from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and an ... Read more
Jane Reisman bridges the worlds of impact measurement and management and the evaluation profession. As founder of an evaluation firm ORS Impact, Jane engaged in new frontiers to scale impact. Her current work as a social impact advisor focuses on field-building efforts that strengthen impact measurement and management practices.
I seek to scale the social and environmental impact of private, public, and non-profit investors through accountable impact management and evaluation, and active stakeholder engagement. Focused on policy, and an experienced advocate, evaluator, and social impact advisor, my consultancy spans dozens of philanthropic and private sector clients.
Lindsay Smalling is head of US sales for 60 Decibels. She previously held roles as CEO of SOCAP, a world-renowned convener in impact investing, and as strategic initiatives officer for ImpactAssets.

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