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Meeting the Demand for Investments in Water and Sanitation

Every person needs about 70 liters of fresh water a day to meet basic needs, according to the World Health Organization. It may not seem like much, especially to residents of developed countries, where consumption ranges from 150–300 liters per day. Yet worldwide, one in 10 people don’t have access to safe water and one in four don’t have access to quality sanitation. This issue is especially dire in emerging markets, where many countries may lack the public funding necessary to provide safe and reliable water to every community. The UN recognized the importance of clean water and sanitation when…
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Paul O’Connell is President of WaterEquity. He has spent more than 20 years managing currency, debt, and equity portfolios for institutional investors. Paul received a Ph.D. in Economics from Harvard University and has published many articles on global finance alongside a featured TED talk highlighting how the capital markets can ... Read more

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