Not Enough by Far: The Carbon Negative Imperative

Not Enough by Far: The Carbon Negative Imperative

In recent years we have seen tremendous activity around corporate commitments to achieve carbon neutrality. This means a state of net-zero carbon dioxide emissions. It can be achieved by balancing the production of emissions with its removal, offsets, or by...
Blue Carbon and Its Role in Combating Climate Change

Blue Carbon and Its Role in Combating Climate Change

The debate is over and has been for a while: anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions are the root cause of climate change. However, only recently has it become clear that restoring and maintaining ocean health, as outlined in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 13 and...
Missing The (Decimal) Point

Missing The (Decimal) Point

With COP26 upon us and the continuing news coverage of infrastructure bill negotiations in the U.S., there is a lot of focus on government climate change spending programs. Debates about how much spending is too much, or which governments aren’t spending enough,...
Impact Entrepreneur