Home / Opinion / Editorials / Have You Ever Thought About Living in Under Space?

Have You Ever Thought About Living in Under Space?

There’s no denying that, in the past year, space tourism has received an enormous amount of attention, with Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos, and even Captain Kirk himself (William Shatner) taking recreational trips to outer space. Private enterprises are increasingly focused on building capabilities for short visits and long-term stays in space. But what about visiting and living in under space – our planet’s ocean? Living underwater is not a new idea. Explorers in the 1960s – such as Edwin Link and Jacque Cousteau – demonstrated that it is safe for humans to live under water for extended periods. In fact, during…
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Ivan Francis is co-founder and CEO of ARGONETA. He is a PADI Aquanaut and Advanced Open Water Diver. Ivan is a member of SeaAhead and the Marine Technology Society and has a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Toronto and a M.B.A. from Michigan State.

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