Fast Fashion and the Sustainable Development Goals
Navigating the path to a responsible fashion industry
Navigating the path to a responsible fashion industry
by Jackie Abramian | Africa, Asia, Blended Finance & Philanthropy, Creative Economy, Editor's Picks, Gender Lens, Impact Economy, Impact Investing, Regions, Scaling Solutions, SDG 1 - No Poverty, SDG 13 - Climate Action, SDG 5 - Gender Equality, SDG 6 - Clean Water and Sanitation, SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth, SDGs, Systems Change
“One entrepreneur can change their community and millions can change the world” Across the globe, women-led businesses pose a “risk” for most financial institutions – securing smaller bank loans with higher interest rates. In developing economies, Hilary Schneider | Africa, Asia, Blended Finance & Philanthropy, Editor's Picks, Editorials, Financial Inclusion, Gender Lens, Global, Impact Economy, Impact Investing, Latin America, Opinion, SDG 5 - Gender Equality, SDG 6 - Clean Water and Sanitation
There’s a simple but incredibly powerful idea gaining traction in the financial world: women investing in women. We often talk about this through the lens of venture capital supporting female entrepreneurs – because, outrageously, only 4.9% of VC partners in the...