Empowering Women Entrepreneurs in the Global South — May 16th

Disaster and Displacement Intersect in Turkey and Syria

Disaster and Displacement Intersect in Turkey and Syria

A devastating series of earthquakes struck Southeastern Turkey and affected Syria and beyond earlier this week. Local and international aid workers, along with public agencies, are currently responding to the disaster. The humanitarian sector has mobilized,...
Puerto Rico’s Place on ‘Hurricane Highway’ Key to Economic Growth

Puerto Rico’s Place on ‘Hurricane Highway’ Key to Economic Growth

Hurricane Fiona assaulted Puerto Rico just a month after the Bluetide Caribbean Summit, where a speaker suggested the jurisdiction’s place on the “hurricane highway” argues for an opportunistic focus on resilient economic development. Juan Bauzá, an economic...
A New Framework for Economic Revitalization in Puerto Rico

A New Framework for Economic Revitalization in Puerto Rico

This article was updated on 9/17/2022 to clarify certain information and add additional detail. In September 2017, Puerto Rico was hit by a catastrophic double whammy — Hurricane Irma and, just two weeks later, Maria, both devastating storms with Category 4+ winds....