Repetition Reimagined

Repetition Reimagined

In its symbolic form, fire embodies a paradox: it has the power to annihilate and to catalyze new life. This past summer, the reality of the former was inescapable for many of us. The relentless news of devastating wildfires infiltrated our daily lives — tainting the...
The Untapped Potential of Private Equity in Emerging Markets

The Untapped Potential of Private Equity in Emerging Markets

In a world where investment opportunities seem to be increasingly well-explored and competitive, private equity (PE) in emerging markets stands out as a compelling frontier. It is not just an opportunity for significant financial returns and more diversified...
How Immigrants and Villagers Create Their Own Financial Inclusion

How Immigrants and Villagers Create Their Own Financial Inclusion

Three facts: 419 million adults in developing countries accumulate useful amounts of capital in savings circles that they organize and run themselves. These groups work based on commonly understood principles of disciplined savings, mutual accountability, and support...
Impact Entrepreneur