Unlocking Carbon Credits

Unlocking Carbon Credits

On the heels of the hottest July and August on record, there was renewed focus on reducing carbon and methane emissions to slow global warming at New York Climate Week. Keynotes and panels on energy transition, greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction, market regulation, and...
How Fast is Fast Growth in Africa?

How Fast is Fast Growth in Africa?

In venture capital investing, growth is typically measured around the proverbial “10x”, as in ten-fold growth in revenues, and is typically wrapped around the unspoken norm of the ten-year lifetime of a fund. Or in short, 10x in 10 years is considered successful. In...
Distributed Infrastructure: A Solution to Africa’s Urbanization

Distributed Infrastructure: A Solution to Africa’s Urbanization

Kivomo is a beautiful village in the northern Gisaba district in Rwanda. The small community boasts 196 homes and 876 people. With extremely low incomes, most of the local population works in agriculture, growing and selling mostly beans, maize, and nuts. 30 homes in...
Impact Entrepreneur