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A Special Alchemy of Color and Texture from Design Ateliers

A profile of Amba and Madda Studio

As part of a series of “fireside chats” sponsored by R.I.S.E. Artisan Fund, Hema Shroff Patel and Maddalena Forcella discussed their approach to design, heritage crafts, and their design studios. Both designers work collaboratively with highly skilled spinners, dyers, and weavers, and share a passion for the art and craft of textiles, sustainability, and improving the quality of life in their communities. Shroff Patel, founder of Amba, joined the conversation from Mumbai, India, while Forcella, founder of Madda Studio, spoke from Oaxaca, in the highlands of southern Mexico. By combining contemporary design with highly skilled, weaving techniques, Amba and Madda…
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Robert Hurst is a freelance writer who has authored 13 books. Recently, he has worked as a grant writer, creating proposals for a wide range of nonprofits, and as a consultant to Athena Global Alliance focused on gender lens investing. He lives in Denver with his wife and daughter.
Collaborating with artisan enterprises in rural India, Mexico, Cambodia, Guatemala and Indonesia, Ellen helps these enterprises build distribution and generate international sales creating employment for more than 2000 artisans. Artisan collections are presented via www.SproutEnterprise.net. Through the R.I.S.E. Artisan Fund, Ellen is expanding investment in early-stage artisan enterprises creating livelihoods ... Read more

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