Deep Dive Conversation with Jed Emerson

Deep Dive Conversation with Jed Emerson

Thursday, September 15, 2022
12:00 PM - 1:15 PM


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Jed Emerson Deep Dive Image
The value of capital is best appreciated when we understand it as simultaneously economic and social and environmental with each of these components, in turn, continuously interacting and intertwined. Value manifests in diverse and various ways but is always more than economic value alone. Capital is about more than money; it is about freedom.
— From The Gift of Fire by Jed Emerson

Join us for a Deep Dive member conversation with Jed Emerson, author of the The Purpose of Capital and the IE Magazine article, The Gift of Fire.

Impact Entrepreneur’s new season of live programming begins with a Deep Dive conversation between our members (and others who register) and impact investing and blended value pioneer, Jed Emerson. We will be getting Jed’s thoughts on a range of issues and questions relating to the impact space — i.e the current state of impact investing and ESG, the ideal role of impact investing and entrepreneurship in advancing the SDGs, and more!

Space is strictly limited as this is a fully interactive meeting and not a webinar, so register today before it fills up!

NOTE: Premium Members can RSVP for this program now (make sure you are logged in). 

About Our Deep Dives

Deep Dives are hour-long Zoom Meetings: Live Q&A Sessions (as opposed to our Zoom Webinars, where the audience is in View-Only Mode) between the author(s) or subjects of a Magazine article and our members. Be sure to read the article (ideally the guest’s book, The Purpose of Capital) in question and come bearing questions!

Featured Guest

Jed Emerson

Jed Emerson

Originator of the concepts of Blended Value and Total Portfolio Management, Jed Emerson, Managing Director and Global Lead Impact Investing with Tiedemann Advisors, has extensive experience leading, staffing and advising funds, firms, social ventures and foundations pursuing financial performance with social/environmental impact. He is an internationally recognized thought leader in impact investing, social entrepreneurship and strategic philanthropy. Emerson has played founder roles with some of the nation’s leading venture philanthropy, community venture capital and social enterprises.

Impact Entrepreneur