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Fighting Climate Change Through SMEs

According to the World Bank, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) comprise 90% of businesses around the world, employ 50% of the global workforce, and in emerging economies, formal SMEs make up 40% of those countries’ GDPs, and when factoring in informal SMEs, that number is much greater. Despite their integral role in the global economy, and at a time when the world faces an unbelievably bleak future due to the state of the earth’s climate, SMEs are often overlooked as part of the solution to climate change, despite having an enormous impact on their communities and local economies. Attention is…
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Agnes Dasewicz is the CEO of Small Enterprise Assistance Funds (SEAF), a leader in impact investing in emerging and frontier markets for over 30 years, investing in local entrepreneurs with a focus on climate change, food security, and inclusion. Agnes has more than 25 years of experience in private equity ... Read more

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