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Creating Equity Through Community-Based Financial Initiatives

We can create an alternative to our current two-tier society

It's no secret that the current financial system in the United States is flawed. Structured in a way that creates obstacles for those who are already struggling to make ends meet. This is particularly true for the majority of Black communities, who have been disproportionately affected by poverty and lack of access to resources. According to recent data, low-income Black Americans are nearly twice as likely to live in poverty as White Americans, and this gap is only widening through our current system of earning, saving what you can, and borrowing. One of the little-discussed consequences of our financial system…
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Kortney Ziegler, PhD, is a serial entrepreneur who develops simple tech solutions that increase financial and social prosperity for users. Before launching WellMoney with the support of ideas42Ventures, Dr. Ziegler co-founded crowdfunding platform Appolition, raising over $1 million to pay bail for people who can’t afford it. He is an ... Read more
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