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Measuring and Managing What Matters

Wellbeing and gender equality in the workplace

To manage impact effectively we must get better at measuring what really matters to people, which is changes to their wellbeing. Standardised impact measures and ‘comparable’ metrics have stifled innovation at an enterprise level to the point that impact measurement is mainly at the ‘output’ level, making it meaningless and a burdensome exercise. Good impact management is an essential part of business improvement processes. Enterprises that think deeply about impact, by measuring changes to wellbeing, will reap the rewards. This article exposes the flaws in current impact measurement practices, and illustrates how they are inadequate for improving the wellbeing of…
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Bonnie Chiu is Managing Director of The Social Investment Consultancy, advising foundations and impact investors on impact measurement, equity and inclusion, and impact investing strategies. She has set up an award-winning social enterprise focused on women’s empowerment, and serves as a Forbes Senior Contributor writing on gender and diversity.
Ben Carpenter is CEO of Social Value International the global membership network for social value and impact management practitioners. Ben oversees the strategic direction of the network and leads technical facilitation with other sustainability standard setters. Ben is dedicated to reducing inequality and improving the well-being of people and the ... Read more

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