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There’s One Way to Learn the Value of Water

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The world is still locked in a water crisis, and it is measured in millions and billions: 771 million people lack access to safe water, while 1.7 billion get by without improved sanitation. More difficult to measure is the value of getting access. These things can seem priceless, and that is the easy answer. However, there is also power in having a serious, measured answer, and here the question is like many questions posed to impact entrepreneurs: how do you measure the value of water? The best way to answer it is to start ending the crisis, one household at…
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Gary White is an observer, an innovator, and a passionate problem-solver. He has created solutions that have empowered millions of people in need with access to safe water and sanitation. Gary is the CEO and Co-founder of Water.org and WaterEquity, nonprofit organizations dedicated to empowering people in the developing world ... Read more

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