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From Legacy to Loss

The property inheritance problem you probably haven’t heard of

Heirs’ property is little known even though it is a substantial cause of wealth loss in marginalized communities throughout the United States. Heirs’ property results from land passing down informally across generations to multiple descendants. As heirs multiply over time, each individual has a diminishing, undivided interest in the property that is undocumented. This fractional ownership impedes wealth generation from the property and can result in involuntary land loss. Heirs’ property is prevalent in the southeast and in tribal lands, with additional concentrations in Appalachia and parts of the southwest. Recent policy changes are starting to address this loss of…

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Lisa Jones is an impact investor and donor focusing on strategies that reduce the wealth divide. Her impact investing and strategic philanthropy affiliations include SV2, SVP Chicago, OpenImpact, the Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurship and other organizations. She is a member of the Impact Entrepreneur magazine advisory board.
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