Invisible Gates & Climate Startups

Invisible Gates & Climate Startups

Imagine if those best equipped to launch the next big climate companies were simply unable to begin. Many entrepreneurs who demonstrate the necessary grit and talent for success are discouraged, disadvantaged, or thwarted from pursuing their dreams by systemic...
Smarter, Greener Aviation with SATAVIA

Smarter, Greener Aviation with SATAVIA

SATAVIA’s DECISIONX capability enables eco-conscious aircraft operators to prevent condensation trails (contrails), which cause a net climate warming effect almost double that of direct engine emissions. Using SATAVIA’s technology, aircraft operators can forecast,...
Missing The (Decimal) Point

Missing The (Decimal) Point

With COP26 upon us and the continuing news coverage of infrastructure bill negotiations in the U.S., there is a lot of focus on government climate change spending programs. Debates about how much spending is too much, or which governments aren’t spending enough,...
Impact Entrepreneur