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Yezidi Women Learn, Earn, and Thrive

Creating a thriving community-based enterprise

In 2020, the UN’s International Organization for Migration (IOM) opened bidding for an organization to take over its Khanke carpet-making factory, located outside a large IDP camp in Duhok province, Iraq. The factory was created to train and support Yezidi women. The Yezidi population is one of the most persecuted ethnoreligious minorities in the world, and has been primarily left with no homes, limited education, and lacking financial means for recovery. Since the Yezidi Genocide perpetrated by ISIS in 2014, most of the population remains displaced, living in IDP camps in Iraq. The IOM identified funding and built a new…
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Susan Barrows Libby is a Development and Communications Advisor to the Free Yezidi Foundation (FYF). Prior to FYF, she led content development for FHI 360. Susan is the co-editor of Amplifyii: The INGO Value Proposition for Impact Investing and Amplifyii: The Next Mile of Impact Investing for INGOs.
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